LiFT – The next several pages will show you a method to transform your life. We’ll give you all you’ll need to: tune in and turn up the messages around you, define your unique skills, talents and gifts, show you the path to your ‘best life’, and how to evoke the power of attraction. It’s all here. We won’t leave out key features then ask you for money to divulge those secrets. There are no magic potions, crystals or videos to buy. AGAIN: It’s all here. In fact, this one page ‘Quick Start’ will allow you to begin now. Today.
BEWARE – We urge you to refrain from asking. Asking for anything except to be guided to your unique loving path. Just feel and listen. Requests, if not structured just right, in a loving environment, can hurt you and all the people around you. This one page QUICK START and the pages following, must be practiced.
Try it for yourself, just for fun. Let us know…
- Get comfortable. Have available the freedom statements from below.
- Every breath OUT (either out loud or to yourself) say “I love you”, while you think of all the people you love. FEEL love for them. Then, when you’re ready,
It is the feeling of love that will ride your brain waves. Your brain waves travel on a frequency between 1Hz (Deep Sleep) and 30Hz (highly awake and focused). It is the message you send out ON that frequency that will be ‘heard’. Just like tuning into any radio frequency, one hour you may hear opera ‘riding on that frequency’, while the next hour may be Elvis.
- Every breath IN, feel “I love you”, while you FEEL these same people feeling love towards you. Then, when you’re ready
- Every breath out, say to yourself, and feel “I’m free”.
Although you are free to choose your actions, thoughts and feelings right now, you are not free to change the past. You are not free to avoid the consequences of your actions. With self-discipline, free-will can be a blessing. If you give into vices, free-will can be hell on Earth. Consistency wins this game. Habits are built in consistancy, both good and bad.
I am free physically to better serve with Love, Truth and Thankfulness.
I submit to the unlimited abundance of good health.
I go easily toward healthy activities with Love and Truth
- With every breath out, say “Thank you”. Think of all the things for which you are thankful.
- Repeat the process using this new paragraph.
I am free emotionally to better serve with Love, Truth and Thankfulness.
I rejoice in the circular parade of characters that bless my day.
I respond with Love, Truth and Thankfulness.
- Repeat the process using this new paragraph.
I am *free financially to better serve with Love, Truth and Thankfulness
I submit to the unlimited financial abundance.
I prosper wherever I turn. I deserve financial health.
*“free financially”, means to: Save & grow your investments, until the income stream, (interest, dividends and capital gains) will sustain your humble living, freeing up your time to serve humanity with Love. This is the reason to strive for financial freedom: To have more free time to Serve.
Identify and enumerate your unique talents and gifts that set you apart from others. Write a list. Seek out careers that utilize your uniqueness, to bring you closer to your highest purpose. THIS is ‘your best life’. Read, out loud your list of unique talents and gifts, then read the sentences below.
“With these great gifts comes great responsibilities. I am ready now.
I see the loving path clearly. My smile lights the way brightly.
The entire universe is conspiring to bring me what I need to serve in Love.
I am Love. I am Truth. I am Freedom. Thank you.”
Ultimately, the entire Universe sends you ‘who you are’. Not what you pray for, what you need or what you deserve. ‘Who you are’ is what you feel right now and consistently. You are free to direct your focus on whatever you want.
Understand that this “Quick Start” is all you need. EVERYTHING else that follows here is just superfluous. That is: superficial tricks to help you to get into the habit of, and intensify, the FEELINGS of Love, Freedom and Thankfulness. – complete process.
In the next several pages, you will discover
- How to tune in and turn up the messages in the universe.
- How to evoke the Natural Laws of Attraction.
- How to more precisely define who you are and therefore how best to serve.
- How to find the path to truly live your ‘Best Life’.
GET READY. That which you have consistently done, those decisions you have consistently made, have brought you to where you are now. You are deep into a tapestry you have woven. To get on that loving path, your life may be unraveled, maybe to its beginning, maybe until you have nothing. Hang on. Have faith in Love. Anything is possible in Love.
So you begin, if you dare. You may end up, at the beginning and build from nothing. Your freedom may be painful. Your family, friends and neighbors are familiar with you and your present tapestry. They’ll be uncomfortable with this new path. Your money, big home, job… all are sources of comfort and security for you. If these people and/or things are preventing you from your purpose, from the path that will allow you to serve the greater good, then you will be stripped of these things. This may be very painful. Be warned, but hold onto your faith in Love. The love in the universe will not be doing this ‘to you’, but ‘for you’. Today, you begin again.
Nikola Tesla, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
Albert Einstein proposed the most famous formula in physics in 1905. E=mc2 was not proposed to calculate how much mass equasl how much energy, but was to state that mass is nothing but energy.
Marsilio Ficino – known as the father of Nature Magic. “Why do we think love is a magician? Because the whole power of magic consists in Love. The work of magic is the attraction of one thing by another because of a certain affinity of nature.” Ficino, (1433-1499), urged his fellow priests to take care of their instrument, (soul), for it is only a loving soul that can hear the loving messages in the ether, and lead them to the loving path in front of them.
Nostradamus was expelled from the French Medical University Montpellier for his admiration of Facino and other forward thinking views. Soon after his expulsion, Nostradamus, along with his medical school cohort, Rebellious, began a secret school focusing on research and the development of meditation and the real understanding and practice of the laws of attraction.
In 2013, while traveling abroad, I stumbled upon the text books of this ‘Artisan Center’, with all its 300 years of research. I know. Unbelievable. I thought so too, until I tried it. Try it for yourself, just for fun. Let me know…
All the universe is no more than energy vibrating at different frequencies. Your eyes are instruments that can pick up and differentiate between light waves of different frequency. Just as your ears are amazing pieces of equipment that can pick up and differentiate between different sound waves. The radio can pick up messages traveling on radio waves. Remember TV antennas? Those antennas can pick up signals out of the ether and translate them to sound and corresponding picture. EEG machine can pick up brain waves. Alpha waves in your brain increase in amplitude when we’re relaxed. Yes, this is a very simplistic explanation but still all true. The fact is, your brain sends out waves. Your FEELINGS are the messages riding on those waves. Look at the enormous data available that shows we have RECEPTORS as well.
LiFT will teach you to get into the habit of FEELING Love and in LOVE anything is possible. You will get into the habit of responding to your environment in Love and in turn the entire universe will conspire to bring you the journey you should travel.
Steps to LIFT your spirit, live your ‘Best Life’.
Every moment of everyday up until today, you have made decisions that have brought you to the circumstances in which you find yourself. There is no one to blame but you.
Yes, someone in your past may have made it more difficult for you to succeed, maybe much more difficult, but ultimately you are responsible. You choose to watch television instead of exercise or ignore a great book you bought that sits unread. You are the only one who can change your state of mind which will change your circumstances, your health, your relationships, financial picture, and your destiny. You know what is best for you. Follow these steps, and you will naturally, more easily make better choices every day, all day long.
You will change your life through creating new habits of how you think of yourself. The bad news? You will be amazed at how difficult this is. What you are about to do is to create new habits of how you think of yourself and the world around you which will ultimately push the bad thought habits out of the way. There are many destructive voices in your head, some more harmful than others. You will replace them with love. This is no magic trick, but you will be transformed, like magic, in weeks, into a truly satisfied human. Understand my warning that this may hurt. Yes, the transformation may hurt you in the short run.
A short story of Janice, A woman who was frustrated about the drug traffic in her home. Yes, her husband was selling marijuana and sometimes more serious drugs. She had just had a baby, she loved her husband and begged him to stop selling drugs and using drugs. She began to follow the meditation process. Two months later the county police broke into her home while she and her 18 month old baby were home. This event exposed his drug traffic and his drug use to his family and everyone they knew. They all assumed she too was involved. Their reputation of successful, wholesome and respectable young family was badly damaged. The cost of lawyers and fines were only a small part of the financial burden. He went away to jail for over three months. They lost his income and their good credit, almost lost their home. Looking back she will tell you that that event was the best thing that ever happened to her family. They began again to build their reputation, their credit and their drug free healthy life. What she thought was impossible, was in fact possible, in Love.
Step one: Good Morning Alarm. Put a sticky note on your alarm clock. “Start with stretching” This has to be done in order every morning. You’re creating a habit.
While you’re still in bed, take a deep cleansing breath. Stretch. Concentrate on your stretch, feel your body, wiggle your toes, flex your feet, stretch legs up in the air, arms up to the headboard, stretch your rib cage, whatever feels good, roll around a bit. Feel the stretch. Say to yourself, “I love to stretch. I love that feeling of stretching especially in the morning”. IGNORE any bad feelings. If you are achy understand that this stretching will create less aching in the long run. Love your stretch. FEEL glad. If you have pressing or uncomfortable issues which you’ll have to deal with today, ignore that for now. Right now you are free to just FEEL good about your morning stretch. Focus on that alone. When you are ready… get out of bed.
Bathroom, toilet, feel thankful that your body can excrete all those toxins. Feel the poisons of yesterday leaving your body, vow to drink more water through the day and eat fresh foods. Feel thankfulness and joy. Don’t just read these words. It is the FEELING that will change you. So… FEEL thankful that you have less toxins in your body now than you did a moment ago. Feel thankful that you will have this day to take the opportunity to drink more water and really be a more toxin free human tomorrow morning. Feel thankfulness and joy.
While you are washing your hands with warm water and soap, take the time to adjust, and wait for, the temperature of the water so it feels very comforting. Now while you are brushing and flossing your teeth, look in the mirror, right into your eyes, and say out loud, “I love you”. Think of a picture of you when you were a baby, innocent. “I love you” think of you a bit older developing personality and uniqueness unto only you. “I love you” look at yourself in the mirror. The decisions those other ages of you made have brought you here today. Forgive them for the mistakes and thank them for all the good decisions they’ve made. Love the earth that supports you. Put a list on the bathroom mirror so you think of you at the same age every morning in the same order. You’re creating a habit.
Make Oatmeal. Long cook oatmeal, (soak it overnight, only takes 5 minutes) add cinnamon, vanilla (real vanilla extract not imitation), 1 tbl of ground flax seed, 2 tbl of nuts, add fruit. Apples or peaches are my favorite. NO sugar or sugar substitutes of any kind. No butter, in fact, NO additives at all. Make a drink – coffee or tea. NO sugar of any kind. NO animal products, (no milk or cream). While it’s cooking do twenty pushups against the counter, twenty toe ups. Finally, twenty squats. All the while thinking “I love this body” look what it can do. Many people can’t do this. Repeat these three exercises three times each while repeating, “I love you”.. Your oatmeal and tea will be done when you are done with these exercises.
Place, in front of you:
- Oatmeal and a cup of tea,
- The three freedom statements from below and
- A picture of you as an infant on the floor in front of you.
- Notepad with pen
Stand, feet apart just wider than your hips. Focus on the picture. Bring your arms up to the sky while you think of that baby picture. Stretch up. FEEL love for that baby. You were so innocent with life in front of you. It is the feeling of love that will transform you. Every breath out say “I love you” either out loud or to yourself. Sway back and forth with your arms still reaching upward. Feel the stretch. Every breath out say again “I love you” until you know that you have connected with that feeling of love. When you are ready… Bring your arms down and behind you, head back, and chest out while you FEEL that the entire universe loves you. Every breath IN say “I love you” either out loud or to yourself. Clasp your hand behind you and stretch your chest out. FEEL that you are receiving love. When you are ready…
While still thinking of that baby picture. Bring your arms out to the side while you bend forward from the waist and think, “I am free”. Feel the freedom. You are in a position of flight. Imagine flying. Any light breeze will lift you. Imagine a breeze and your flight. Feel the freedom you have to love that baby. You ARE free. Understand that. You could read one of the books you’ve purchased but remains unread. You could stop at the gym before work. You can eat healthy foods for the next 30 days and loose that 10 pounds you’ve been thinking about. You are free to do those things today. Feel the freedom. Read the next paragraph while in that position of flight…
“I am free physically to better serve with Love Truth and Thankfulness
I submit to the unlimited abundance of good health
I go easily toward healthy activities with Love and Truth”
Bend down from your waist, arms and body all the way down. Feel thankful. When you have connected with that feeling of thankfulness…
Bring your arms all the way to the sky again and feel “I Love you” while thinking of that baby picture. Stretch a bit to the right and left as you chant, “I love you” with every breath out. Feel the love you have for that innocent baby. This is your innocence. Feel the connection between the innocence of that baby and you today. Don’t get lost in remembering events that you perceive striped you of your innocence. You still have your innocence. It’s there. This is about getting back to and focusing on your pure love. Feel love for that baby. Again, when you feel you have connected, outstretched arms and bend from the waist as if you are flying.
I am free emotionally to better serve with Love, Truth and Thankfulness.
I rejoice in my circular parade of characters
I respond with Love, Truth and Thankfulness.
When you are ready, drop all the way down from the waist and give thanks. Feel the stretch and the subservience of this position. Be thankful, grateful. Let the feeling fill you.
Last time, bring your arms up to the sky while you say “I love you”. That baby had, at birth, the characteristics that will develop into the person you are now. What is it that you like about yourself? Are you good looking? Artistic? Your love of people, or reading? Do you understand Math concepts easily? Do you understand people more easily than most? Are you a leader? With each breath out say to yourself, “I love you”.
“I am **Free Financially to better serve with Love, Truth and Thankfulness
I submit to the unlimited financial abundance.
I prosper wherever I turn. I deserve financial health.”
Hands down to the floor this one last time. “Thank you”
Sit comfortably. Close your eyes.
**Free Financially – LIFE MEMO: This does not mean you deserve a new kitchen or new kitchen gadget, a new car, hot tub, vacations to Disney. This means you are free to use the unique talents and gifts given to you at birth to earn, save and invest your money so you can be financially free. THAT IS THE GOAL.
The less toys you have, the less you have to work to keep them all going. Bigger house will come with more real estate taxes, mortgage, higher maintenance costs, insurances will rise, even the daily cleaning will take up more of your precious time.
Don’t miss this memo: transfer a portion of your earnings weekly into an investment account. Be sure that investment account is growing steadily until you can work less while getting support from your investments. With this free time you are able to serve. You were not placed on earth to serve ideas. You are here to serve people. Wealth is a function of 1. Income and 2. Expenses. Track both your income and expenses. Don’t buy anything that you don’t need.
Sit comfortably with a note pad and pen.
Identify characteristics that you possess that set you apart from others. You’re uniquely created to make you better at some jobs than others. Seek out a career that will bring you closer to your purpose. A simple occupational test will get you started on this quest. Be warned that this process will lead you, sometimes painfully, to CHANGE. Change is painful even when that change leads you into a position that will facilitate your journey to find your purpose. Who will you serve? Where will you serve? When will you begin your service and begin your life in total satisfaction? THIS is ‘YOUR BEST LIFE’.
“With these great gifts comes great responsibilities. I am ready now. Thank you.
I feel the loving path clearly. My smile lights the way brightly.
The entire universe is conspiring to bring me what I need.
I am Love. I am Truth. I am Freedom. Thank you.
Your tea and oatmeal should be cool enough to drink and eat now. Sit. Take a sip. Feel your body taking in the warm fluid. You are a soul having a human experience. It is this human body that serves you. Understand that you must take good care of it for you to continue in this carnival, we call life. You can ride the really cool rides if your body is working well. Feel your breath. Sip tea, feel Love for the long line of organs in your body. Feel the freedom you have to treat them well, Feel grateful for them. With each mouthful feel Love. Say, to yourself…
“I Love you.
I am free physically to better serve with Love Truth and Thankfulness
I submit to the unlimited abundance of good health
I go easily toward healthy activities with Love and Truth
My body Heals Quickly. Thank you”
Do not eat or drink anything after the oatmeal except water for at minimum three hours. Most will have withdrawals from salt, sugar, animal fat, caffeine. Don’t give in. You will feel horrible, really shaky, maybe even a headache for a couple days then your body will get into the healthy morning routine. Creating a habit of pure food and loving thought will be more difficult for some depending on your life experiences.
Creating your habit.
NO TV. No music. Instead communicate in love with the people in your home or read a paper, magazine or book. Do not check emails or anything to do with your work. Work and your “things to do” list can wait until after you finish your oatmeal and drink. Then continue with your day.
Today I’ll do this simple thing.
Breaking the physical/chemical addictions will take just three or four days. I want to be clear. If you have been eating a big sloppy bacon, sausage, egg, double cheese on a buttery bagel then washing it down with 24 oz. of sugary, fatty, super caffeine enhanced coffee… then this will be very difficult. Withdrawals are not limited to drug attics. You may have aches, sniffles or even debilitating headaches. The good news is (with this total abstinence route), this pain will only last three days. After that, this change will become much easier, then it will be a habit. Then you’ll find it difficult to do anything but have loving thought. Repeat this for 8 days. Do not miss a day. If you do, forgive yourself, but begin again.
Sit comfortably. When you’re ready, still your mind. Feel your breath on your throat, in and out. Imagine you are in a garden. You are safe. You are safe in this garden, someone is coming to talk to you. They have a message for you. You are safe. This message is based in Love and Truth.
Open and palm up your dominant hand. Most of us are right hand. Tell the universe that you give of yourself each day. Even if just a smile to a stranger. With each breath out, say, out loud or to yourself, “I love you.” Think of how you use your gifts in your job to give to others. When you are ready…
Put your dominant hand back to your knee and roll and palm up your non-dominant hand. Usually your left hand. This is symbolizing the gifts you will be receiving today. This messenger will tell you something you need to know.
The garden is beautiful. You are safe sitting there among the beautiful flowers.
Focus on the breath against your throat. In and out.
With each breath in, repeat, “I love you”. Feel the entire universe loving you. Wait. Hear the message which will always begin with ‘I love you.” Feel the love of all the universe aiming right at you, in you.
Say again, “I love you.” And wait.
Sit quietly. The message begins, “I love you….. “ Listen….
When you are ready open your eyes and write down anything you’ve heard and/or draw any signs you have seen. Begin writing and let the unknown flow.
When you have completed an unbroken chain of eight mornings you are ready for Step two.
STEP 2- Creating your Gate to LIFT
First you need a 1/4″ ring binder. This binder is your Gate to LiFT.
Make a list of the 6-12 qualities you like about yourself. Are you athletic? Are you creative? Are you good looking? Nice eyes? Great mouth? Are you a leader? Funny? Love music? If you’re having trouble identifying your traits, you may want to take an occupational test or read “What color is my parachute”. Scavenge pictures of yourself at birth, then 5 to 12 pictures of you that show your uniqueness. Find pictures of you that depict those characteristics, or draw a picture of you that depicts qualities you’re glad and/or thankful you possess. These images are of you alone. No one else is in the picture. Position those pictures in your LIFT binder in chronological order by age. These are the “you” pictures on your bathroom mirror you think of when brushing your teeth and flossing. You may find yourself adding, taking away or combining these individual pictures. This is a good thing. You are defining yourself. Perfect.
Finally, find a picture, which for you, depicts the beauty of the universe. Your bed is warm and safe, your home shelters you, connection to family and community is what makes life worth living, the Earth sustains us with air, water, food, and the entire universe is conspiring to bring you what you need. Love it all. For some this is God, Jesus, Allah, or Buddha. All preach love. Anything is possible in Love. LIFT is not a religion. Loving yourself will not contradict any religion we know.
After 8 straight mornings of step one, you are ready for step two. This next step is no less than once a week, and recommended be done at sunset. This must be done 100% sober. Start step two before you have a cocktail or do drugs of any kind. If you are drunk or high during step two, you will attract alcoholics and or drug addicts.
Continue your Step one morning ritual but now you will add step Two.
Make hot decaf Tea, no milk, no honey, no lemon, no additives of any kind… just tea. If you hate the tea you are drinking pick a different tea. You may wish to read “Tea for Celebrations and Meditations.” By the World Tea Federation. NO TV. No music.
Place your tea and your binder at your feet turned to the first page, which should be you as an innocent baby. Stand, feet apart just wider than your hips. Bring your arms up to the sky while you think of that first baby picture. Stretch up. “I love you”. FEEL love for the innocence of that baby. You were so innocent with life in front of you. It is the feeling of love that will transform you. Every breath out feel renewed love towards that baby. When you feel the connection to loving…
Every breath in, feel the love that baby feels for you. When you are ready…
While still thinking of that baby picture. Bring your arms out to the side while you bend forward from the waist and think, “I am free”. Feel the freedom. You are in a position of flight. Even a light breeze will lift you. Imagine flight. Feel the freedom you have to love that baby. When you are ready, drop arms and body all the way down from the waist. Feel thankful for your innocence and vulnerability.
When you are ready, turn the page to the next picture. Bring your arms all the way to the sky again and feel “I Love you” while thinking of that next picture. Stretch a bit to the right and left as you chant, “I love you”. Feel the love you have for that person, that characteristic you possess. Again, when you are ready, outstretched arms and bend from the waist as if you are flying and feel “I am free to love you”. When you are ready, drop all the way down and give thanks. Feel the stretch and the subservience of this position. Be thankful, grateful. Let the feeling fill you.
Repeat with each picture of yourself and finally the universe that is conspiring to bring you what you need.
Sit. Your tea should be cool enough to drink now. Take a sip. Feel your body taking in the warm fluid. You are a soul having a human experience. It is this human body that serves you. Understand that you must take good care of it for you to continue in this carnival, we call life. You can ride the really cool rides if your body is working well. Feel your breath. Feel Love for the long line of organs in your body. Feel the freedom you have to treat them well, Feel grateful for them.
You will know when you are ready for step three… Get out of jail.
Step Three is twofold – You are creating the habit of loving thought. During the hours in between your step one morning ritual and step two evening bedtime ritual, STOP and look around often. Find things to Love. IGNORE THE REST.
“Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
When you find yourself speaking of peoples’ negative attributes, STOP. Think about what you like about them. Try to love them. Ignore the negative. You do not have to hang with them, be their buddy or even stay in the same room as them. But it does not serve you to focus on anything but the good attributes of the people you know. Ignore the rest. If you can’t think of anything good about a person, think of something else or someone else you do like.
Do not participate in conversations about other peoples’ negative attributes. The drama will bring you back to an unloving position. Redirect the conversation to ideas, recent things you’ve done, recent things discovered. Just in case I have to state the obvious, Stop Cursing. If you’re cursing you are not loving anything especially yourself. Just use other words. AND do not yell. You can say anything you want, the people around you DO want to hear how you feel, what you think. Tell them, but do it without yelling. I get it. You are passionate about some issues. DO NOT YELL. Express yourself. Communicate.
Now this is the difficulty. You will find that the people with whom you have surrounded yourself, are not good for you. They reinforce all the bad habits of hate you have picked up along your long life. Leave them. You can love them. Feel sorry for the prisons they have created for themselves. Leave them, or at the very minimum limit your time with them, especially these first eight weeks. YOU WILL EXPERIENCE RESITANCE. You will, not just lose friends, but your friends will turn on you.
Say yes to good loving people who are beneficial. I know this is much more difficult than it sounds. But as you radiate Love for yourself and the people around you, beneficial people will be attracted to you and you to them. Your life will fill up with loving friends.
In the morning ritual, while you are cooking oatmeal and doing your exercises, add this chant “I see the loving path clearly, my smile lights the way brightly.”
“Why do you stay in prison while the door is so wide open?” – Rumi
It may take a lifetime of very expensive therapy to see the prison you have made for yourself. Here are some very common prisons. You may recognize yourself.
Some of us have spent more than what we make and now we work only to pay off the borrowed money.
I deserve that dress, car, pool. (No. You deserve to be financially secure)
My son deserves that expensive college. (No. Your son deserves to have financially secure parents)
Some of us are in shallow 9 to 5 jobs we hate. (Go to the classifieds and change jobs)
All the people at work are so mean. (No. 1.Look harder for their good points. 2. Ignore the bad points. 3. Stay away from them)
I had to marry her(him), she(I) was pregnant. (No. You made decisions that led you to this marriage and now choose to punish everyone around you by placing blame on others.
Look harder for the good. Ignore the bad. Focus on all the good you can do.
Some of us are living with toxic, abusive individuals. Get help today! Get out!
Do you eat too much, spend too much, waste too much, and/or drink too much…? We all justify our prisons. We all have excuses. We all have rationales to continue in these jails. Have you said, “I had to” or “I needed it”? You did not “have to”. You did not “need it”. How about the most popular, “I deserve it” when what you deserve is to be financial free, emotionally free, physically free of fat, pain, toxins. You make tens of thousands of decisions every day while listening to your internal voices that will put you in exactly the position you REALLY feel you belong. Good news? You can change. Never too late.
Change is scary and painful. Many people say, “Where I am sucks, but at least I know my awful circumstances. I may go from the proverbial pan into the fire.” Have faith in you. Have faith in love. You will follow your loving heart where there is joy. Through the day, tell yourself, “I see the loving path clearly. My smile lights the way brightly”. You may wish to make a bracelet. A rubber band will work just fine. Set out a reminder in your home, car and office.
Don’t worry about what is wrong with you. Don’t try to figure out why you sabotage yourself. Don’t bother going over yesterday’s embarrassing run at the mouth… Fill your thoughts instead with love of the moment, loving all that is around you.
When you catch yourself in old habits, forgive yourself then start building a habit of loving yourself and follow what you love. I find, repeating this line from a Mary Oliver poem helps me:
“Let the soft animal of your body love what it loves”.
Throughout your day, “I see the loving path clearly, my smile lights the way brightly.” In love, anything is possible. You will find that a parking spot opens just as you need it. A table in the restaurant opens just as you pass it. Exactly the right person will show up when you need help. Follow what you love. Follow your inspiration to do the things you love. Get into the habit of saying, “How can I serve?” Sometimes that will be to help a friend. Sometimes you will be drawn to… What? What do you want? Travel? Go outside for a walk? Search the paper for a hiking group? For a gym? Help a community activist in a struggle? You are free to search and decide every minute of every day. Do not hurry or force this process. The path will be brightly lit by your loving smile.
Time to summarize.
This is all about creating a habit of loving yourself and the people around you. You cannot hurry the process accept by taking the time and energy to focus.
Step one: 8 days in a row, stretch while still in bed, toilet, teeth, cook while exercising, chant.
Step two: 8 days in a row, continue morning ritual above and add
bedtime ritual of stretch with Love, Freedom and Thankfulness, tea with appreciation
Step three: 8 days in a row continue morning ritual and bedtime ritual and add
be aware throughout the day of what your conversations contain and with whom. Focus on the Loving thought, ignore the rest.
add a chant that you will be able to identify your loving path by your emotions bubbling up in the form a smile.
Step four: OK, It’s going to get tougher so for this next eight days you are to re-commit, reinforce the habit of loving thoughts and feelings. You will also finish your LIFT binder. Because you are ready to meet your spirit guide.
The other side of Love is truth. You will go to a place where all your actions are exposed to you. You may have done some horrible things. Horrible things to others and horrible to yourself. Don’t be afraid. You will also find unconditional love and forgiveness.
If you have truly taken the time, discipline and patience to get this far… You are ready.
Pick one evening when you have no commitments.
Bring your LIFT binder, tea and a pad with pen. You’re going to need tissues.
While doing your evening ritual, in your mind’s eye you will Post each “you”, of which you have a picture, in your LIFT binder. Mentally post these pictures on the wall in front of you in panorama or maybe they are all sitting on a bleacher.
At the end of the “I love you, I am free, and thank you”, there they all are in front of you. In your mind’s eye imagine that they all speak to you and say, “I love you”. “You are free” “I am thankful for you”.
Feel that love. You may choose to stop here. It is OK. Honestly, if you are doing this right the emotion should be overwhelming.
The next time you do wish to continue,…
Keep your eyes closed and focus on your breath until you feel that your mind is quiet. (At least 5 minutes)
On an exhale you will chant “I love you” and as you give love you will receive love in a deep inhale breath. Keep saying ‘I Love you” until you truly FEEL the giving and receiving of love with several exhales then several inhales.
When you are ready, change your exhale chant to, “I am free” as you inhale you feel the freedom fill you. Keep saying “am free” until you truly FEEL free.
When you are ready, change your exhale chant to, “thank you” and as you inhale you feel thankfulness flood in. keep saying “Thank you”, until you truly FEEL gratitude.
Go back to focus on your breath, then, when you are ready, imagine that you stand up and walk outside.
Imagine a beautiful place where you feel at peace, you feel safe. You seat yourself on a wooden bench in a beautiful garden. There is a cottage just beyond a small bridge traversing a very small brook. Sit on the bench. Create the details of your beautiful place. See them clearly. At your feet are what? Grass? Stones? Create it. You are safe. You hear the birds. You feel that the garden is safe. You feel that the path to the bridge over the brook is safe. You are attracted to that path over the bridge to the cottage. You feel that this is a good loving way. Watch the birds. Hear them chirp. Listen for the stream.
This next excerpt should be put into your LIFT binder on the inside front cover.
“I am free physically to better serve with Love, Truth, and Thankfulness
I submit to the unlimited abundance of good health
I go easily toward healthy activities with Love & Truth, Thank you
I am free emotionally to better serve with Love, Truth and Thankfulness
I rejoice in my circular parade of characters
I respond with Love, Truth and Thankfulness
I am free financially to better serve with Love, Truth and Thankfulness
I submit to the unlimited financial abundance
I prosper where ever I turn, Thank you
With these great gifts comes great responsibility. I am ready now”
Feel the message. Go back to concentrating on your breath.
When you are ready open your eyes.
This week you will not go across the bridge.
In detail, draw the place you have been. Put the picture on the front cover of your LIFT binder.
This visit to your Freedom Hall should be repeated no less than once a week.
At this point you will be noticing a change in your relationship with friends. Your old friends are frustrated that you will not play the drama games. They are suspicious that you do not agree with their assessment of other people’s negative attributes. You are probably wondering what you’re going to do with your life now that your old friends are not all that happy with you and you realize they are not satisfying your needs either. Be aware. There will be signs. You will meet beneficial people that you will attract. You will show up as others need you. Look for opportunities to help others. You will meet them before you even know you need them/they need you. Don’t worry if you miss an opportunity to grab them, they will come around over and over. You will attract them. They will be attracted to you. Not just across a room but in a universal way. You do not have to believe. You will change anyway and they will come anyway.
If a man walks on the beach and chants I do not believe in water, he will get wet anyway. I will repeat that this process works whether you believe it will or not. But you do have to FEEL the love, the freedom and the thankfulness.
You will begin to take care of yourself better. You will feel better about yourself. You will begin to have more self-worth. You will begin to develop a healthy charitable spirit. The tens of thousands of decisions you make every day will bring you, just in time, to the empty parking spot, to the empty table at the otherwise full restaurant. You will seem to be in just the right place at just the right time to get the things you need, even the things you want, most interesting the things you did not quite know yet that you want. Just the right people will show up when you need them. Just the right tools will be at hand. Just the right circumstances will present themselves just before you realize you need it. You will be drawn to the fresh fruit and veggie isle. You know what is best for your body. If you want recipes there are links at the end of these pages. Bring your lunch to work. Increase your savings account. Whenever you walk into a store say “I have everything I need”.
Ready for the last step? When you are deep into the garden. That is, when you feel the love, freedom, thankfulness, hear the sounds of the garden, see the flowers. And feel very safe… get up and walk across the bridge. Go up to the cottage door. If you feel afraid do not open the door. Go back to the garden and smell the flowers. But when you are ready, open the door and there will be your spirit guide.
I cannot tell you what you will find. Your experiences and understandings will shape what you see. All of us human beings understand the world through our own experiences. Once we understand one “car”, that they have four wheels and doors than it is easy for us to understand all other “cars”. We assume. So when it comes to our understanding of the energy that is pure love and truth, your mind will create a character so you can more easily understand that which you must hear. This spirit guide will translate for you, the messages in the ether.
Quiet your mind the best you can. And feel. You can ask questions or make statements, but for the most part, feel whatever your spirit guide has to say.
As soon as you are ready, open your eyes and write down what you have experienced. Each time you visit, write it all down and add these to your LIFT binder. You now have all you need. Your spirit guide will take it from here. I wish you good luck, good life, but mostly good love.
We are collecting experiences of these meetings. Selected pieces will be posted on this website and published in our Annual LiFT UP-date, coming out every November. Please email your experience to us at [email protected]
We are collecting member recipes. The best of which will be posted on this website and published in our Annual LiFT Up–date, coming out every November. If you have a healthy recipe that everyone seems to love, please send it to [email protected]
Spreading the word of is expensive.
We could use your help. If you would like to donate to $ 4 $ 40 $400 $ 4,000
7 Reminder bracelets – $25 includes shipping and handling
– I am Love, Freedom and Thankfulness
– I am innocent
– In Love anything is possible
– I see the loving path clearly / My smile lights the way brightly
– My body heals quickly
– I listen to my body
– Joyous adventurers have joyous adventures – Tea cup or mug $20
Binder with clear insert sheets $25
November 2020 collection of spirit guide experiences, recipes $35
1 John 4:7 – Let us love one another: for love is God; and every one that loves is born of God, and knows God.
1 John 4:8 – He that loves knows God; for God is love.
1 John 4:16 – God is love; and he that dwells in love dwells in God, and God in him.
Reading suggestions: The Curse of the Thomas Town Castle by Burgess Bartlett $25
Tea; Celebrations and Meditations by World Tea Foundation $20
The work of dispersing this message is expensive. Please donate. $4 $40 $400 $4000
Write down your feelings, images, messages you receive and/or conversations with the universe. Please send your experiences. We will disburse these messages to others for inspiration to [email protected].